Leo Cancer Care and the Centre Léon Bérard Hospital Join Forces to Evaluate the Benefits of Upright Positioning Within Radiation Oncology
Leo Cancer Care is delighted to announce that the first-ever upright Eve™ patient positioning system has been successfully installed at the Centre Léon Bérard Hospital in France as part of an ongoing research agreement.
Leo Cancer Care is on a mission to be the ‘more human’ way to deliver Radiation Therapy, by utilizing the upright position to improve patient experience, clinical effectiveness, and access to radiotherapy. The upright patient positioning system is a key component to Leo Cancer Care’s pioneering upright radiotherapy solutions, named Marie and Ruby, which are currently in development.
Figure 1 - Members of the Leo Cancer Care Team Standing Next to the First Upright Patient Positioning System
”It is really a dream come true to be working with the CLB team to validate the use of upright positioning within radiation oncology. It is essential to have strong clinical partners to drive change within healthcare and we’re honoured to have CLB with us on this journey to become the more human way to deliver radiation therapy.
I am incredibly proud of the Leo team, despite all of the challenges of COVID we still managed to complete this first installation in a little over a day.
We have been talking about the benefits of using fixed beams with our upright positioning system for a long time and this really marks a huge milestone in delivering those benefits.”
Stephen Towe, CEO of the Leo Cancer Care.
Centre Léon Bérard is an academic institution that is dedicated solely to cancer care, research and education. They have a patient-first ethos and continually innovate in order to advance clinical practices and improve the patient experience. The two organisations are working together to build upon existing research that has highlighted a number of benefits in utilising the upright position within radiation oncology. The research project has been split into three phases, the first phase is focused on evaluating the workflow efficiencies and patient experience, the second phase will test the accuracy of the positioning system and the third phase will evaluate how effective reproducibility of set-up is in the upright orientation.
Figure 2 - Image of the Team at CLB, Sophie Boisbouvier, Radiologist, Professor Blay, CEO and Vincent Gregoire, Head of Radiation Oncology with the First Leo Cancer Care Upright Patient Positioning System
“Human beings are ‘standing living creatures’; the upright patient positioning is much more in keeping with our physiology than the supine position and brings us potential opportunities to further improve the dose distribution, and thus patient’s outcome. It’s challenging, but exciting, to be the first centre in the world to contribute to the validation of a new paradigm in radiotherapy treatment”.
Professor Vincent Gregoire, Head of the Radiation Oncology department at CLB.
You can find out more about the Leo Cancer Care upright radiotherapy products currently under development by visiting the Leo Cancer Care website. Please note that these products are not currently available for sale and have not yet been submitted for EU or FDA regulatory clearances.
Figure 3 - Initial Testing Being Conducted on Leo Cancer Care’s Upright Patient Positioning System by Sophie Boisbouvier, Radiographer from CLB